Listen for a second as I describe the person before you. To those close to me, I’m known as Kev, Kevbot to some, and I’m energetic, adventurous, and hard working. That’s all good, great, grand, and wonderful, but I’m here to tell you so much more about me. There is so much about me that you don’t see behind the scenes, and this is my way of pulling back the curtain on who ‘Kev’ truly is.
Should I start by telling you about the kitchen layout in the house I’m going to build? Maybe the branding I will deploy for one of my business ventures? Or how about the investment strategy I have formulated for me to reasonably retire decades before the national average? To put it bluntly, I am future focused. The way I think is different than most adults, let alone most 19-year-olds, and I look at that as a huge advantage.
Every day, I am thinking about and planning my ideal life. Not because my current stage is lacking or that I must escape my current reality, no. I think about the future because it is ingrained in my mind to pursue bigger and better, to change the world, and to live life on the Brightside! I aspire to live a rich life, not in monetary standards alone, but that certainly plays into it. I hope to have the freedom to make memories every day, to impact other people’s lives in a positive, uplifting way, and along with those aspirations comes great financial pursuits as well. However, I don’t want success alone. What’s the point of achieving great wealth and accomplishing my goals if the ones I care most about are not there to enjoy it with me.
I look at my ideal life, a life full of memories, and exciting opportunities, as “The Brightside”. All my inner drive and aspirations for success were just met with the realization of my why. Why do I think like this? Why do I want to achieve such massive success, if it isn’t really about the money? What is my purpose, my end goal? That realization hit me and sparked a burning desire that fuels me every day; I want to help others live their lives on the Brightside as well.
Through sharing my ambitions, my knowledge, and my experiences, I hope to inspire you to think about your ideal life, and find a way that I can assist in your journey, so that we all may live a fulfilled life.
There are so many layers to you, it is like watching a 100-year-old cedar peel back the bark and selectively reveal the rings that make that tree strong, weather-proof, able to endure and conquer adversity, and able to bring joy to those who experience its presence. I love you and am in awe of you, my son.