My Dad really is the man!
Memories flood my mind,
Like it is just a broken dam.
Keep it up,
The little things and the big.
Things that shaped my life,
You didn't know that you did.
Every weekend went snowboarding,
Getting home sore,
Time for hours of hot-tubbing.
The times that I cherish,
So rich and so true.
Memories of simple mornings,
Just me and you.
Keep it up Dad,
Getting trophies and medals, when
You're taking names in racquetball,
Never be settled men.
Hop in your Infiniti and pedal to medal send.
Could go on forever,
But I think this will be the end.
Spend the time with him if you can,
In real life not Instagram.
Celebrate birthdays with memories,
My Dad really is the man!
Nice tribute to your dad. We visited Monticello, VA the home of Ben Franklin. Quite an inventor.