Kev, you can change the world.
Don’t worry what other people think of you. Be happy and live an abundant life. Don’t feel so affected by all the things that happen in life. You must realize that life is not happening to you, it is happening for you, and it is up to you to decide how you respond to every circumstance. If you can change the way you think, you can truly change the outcomes in your life. I’m only beginning to learn how beautiful life is, and I feel such tremendous joy.
You don’t need to think about the image people see you as, you don’t need to worry about fitting into society’s norms, because nobody else is living your life. You can change the direction of your life by filling your mind with positivity. Listen to motivational speakers and influential people, and you will change your thought processes.
This world is fascinating beyond comprehension, and I can only suggest that you realize the power of a made-up mind. Until you’ve gone through the mind change that I have, you will never truly understand the wonderful possibilities life has waiting for you to grasp!
Follow urges in your life, when you think of traveling, do it. Life is unfolding in front of you, and all you must do is decide that you want a rich and dynamic existence. Love others!
When you learn to carry yourself with love and gratitude for the world and all of life’s opportunities, you simply won’t have the capacity for negativity to diminish your life. Kev, your journey is up to you, and you can manifest anything your mind focuses on. Emulate gratitude, positivity, and love. Those around you might not always agree, they might judge you, but do not sway. When you stress about the judgments from your peers, you are telling yourself that their opinions of you are more important than the opinions you have of yourself. Choose to be happy and decide what will give your life true purpose and fulfillment.
You don’t need to seek the positive approval of others either. Allow the example you set in life impact people naturally. If what you are doing is right, people will notice eventually, do not seek the thrills of attention or the self-esteem of popularity. Live your life as an outward display of the inner peace of mind and care for the world you possess.
Kev, you can change the world.