This weekend, after a wonderful evening of hanging out and talking with my sister, Lauren, I felt inspired to help others, as well as simplify my material possessions. So, Sunday morning became a fresh start for me, while I ran a full inventory of my belongings, and decided what I could part ways with. The process of getting rid of things has become much more positive for me than it was in past experiences.
In the past, the feeling was negative whenever I was getting rid of my things because I only looked at it with a perspective that I was losing items I owned, and it felt like a burden. For the first time, as I went through everything I own, I felt better with every item I decided to donate. The emotion was now very fulfilling because I realized that by donating these items, someone else can appreciate and benefit from them.
Items that I had been holding on to for years, just because I thought it would eventually provide some great use, were donated so that someone can love and have a great use for them right now. Clothes that I haven’t worn in almost a year, but still held on to for the one time a year that it looks killer, are now donated. The process of donating items made me realize all the excess I had, and by getting rid of the excess, I can now appreciate and be grateful for all the necessities I possess.
After clearing out all my excess belongings, I feel like I have just gotten a fresh start on the month of December, and a healthy start to my year of being 20. One major focus for this year is to be content with all the amazing things I do have and realize that others can benefit tremendously from items I no longer have a need for. If you feel like you have an excess of material possessions, take the time this week / month / year to clear it out, and work on being grateful for the things that you do have.