"The standard pace is for chumps."
This is one of my favorite quotes pulled from Tools of Titans, which serves as a humorous and inspirational reminder you don't have to work at the pace others assume. In our lives, people have come to expect certain gradual steps on any path in life. When you are in school, they teach you algebra in 8th grade, then you take algebra 2 a year later, then geometry, onto pre-calculus, and calculus after that. Why does this elevation of learning need to take so many years? I believe people are more than capable enough to learn at an accelerated rate, but it is not often provided at a quicker pace.
We have all seen the news headings of child prodigies and young geniuses like they are abnormal characters to society's norms. Although some of these wonder children truly are genetically gifted, I do believe that they are simply learning at an accelerated rate from the standard. Those who learn more rapidly, or learn skills "ahead of schedule" are now news worthy because it is so uncommon. Why couldn't we all aspire to learn more rapidly? I don't mean superficial forms of acceleration such as speed reading, rather being driven to achieve your absolute best without settling for the status quo telling you when you should acquire certain skills.
The takeaway I get from this quote is not limited to education, but I choose that as a reference everyone can grasp. Now that I am not in the ahem, "formal education system" anymore, I look at this quote in regards to my personal and professional ambitions.
Why couldn't I move across the country and start a new career? Who says I can't buy a house at 21 years old? What's stopping me from traveling the world full-time now, rather than waiting for a hopeful retirement?
The standard expectations and timelines that society has created are not binding. The opinions others may have of me for going after my dreams with such disregard for normal life stages don't concern me. I don't need anyone else to decide when it is reasonable for me to pursue my ambitions, because I am not living for the approval of anyone else. I have come to the realization that I truly can accomplish anything I desire in life through relentless courage and determination. My life may make others uncomfortable, fearful, or even disapproving, but that is for them to deal with, as I am striving to live a unique and wonderful life on my terms, regardless of the negative opinions of others.
So don't wait to go after what you desire. The acceptable life path for others does not need to limit you, and the sooner you learn that, the sooner you can start living for your passions, and eliminate the potential regrets in the future.
Derek Sivers' quote is so simple, and so powerful if taken to heart. This is just one more reason why I love Tools of Titans. Each individual in this book - most of whom I have never heard of - can provide insightful takeaways, and it is the masterful work of Tim Ferriss to distill their wisdom into small, manageable chunks for rapid learning.