I'm sure you've heard the saying "Win the morning, win the day", but what are you doing to put that into action? I am going to give you a run down of walk you through what my morning routine looks like, and obviously it will be different for you depending on your life stage (i.e. working full-time, student, etc.). Hopefully you can pull at least one thing from my routine to motivate you or something you realize you could be doing to take control of your mornings.
4:00 AM - Wake up
4-4:30 AM - Read
4:30-4:35 AM - 5 Minute Journal (Daily Gratitude)
4:35-4:50 AM - Shower
4:50-5 AM - Foam roll or Light stretching
5-5:45 AM - Have breakfast and tea / coffee
5:45-6 AM - Pack lunch in cooler, get dressed for work
6:00 AM - Leave for work
So, as you can see, my mornings start bright and early! I haven't always gotten up this early, but it is not as challenging, when I have a full-time job that starts at 7:00 AM, rather than college classes that start at 10:30 AM!
I like to read in the morning, to wake my mind up, and continue learning every day. Recently, I have been reading 'Tools of Titans' by Tim Ferriss in the mornings. The next things is my 5 Minute Journal, which is hands down the most beneficial habit I have, and I would recommend it to everyone. The 5 Minute Journal is a way for me to express gratitude, and creates much more optimism in my life. I will dive into the 5 Minute Journal more thoroughly in another post, but feel free to look it up, and try it for yourself.
Foam rolling is pretty self explanatory, and just helps relieve some tension and soreness before I go out and build houses for the day. Breakfast is different for everyone, so I won't go into my specific meals for now. From the moment I get out of the shower to the moment I leave for work, I throw in headphones and listen to speeches from people who motivate and inspire me. People like Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Eric Thomas, etc. I like to fill my mind with positive and powerful messages first thing in the morning so that I can affect the spirit of my days.
As I'm writing this, I am currently taking a "T-Break" from coffee, and have been drinking tea instead. I down caffeine like a crack-fiend, so I'm in the process of getting my adrenaline levels back to normal, haha!
6:00 AM rolls around, then I am out the door. With a silent prayer, I turn the key in my little pickup, hoping that it will still fire up in the icy conditions here in Wisconsin. I let it idle for a few minutes, and blast the defroster while I wait to take off. I leave for work at the same time every day, regardless it the job site is 30 minutes away or 15 minutes away. I am the first one at the job site every day, and that is just one little thing others take note of when they think about my work ethic.
I challenge you to set a morning schedule this week and see the affect it has on your the rest of your days!